In a groundbreaking collaboration, Neural Concept, a specialist in 3D deep learning, and Rescale, a leading provider of high-performance computing (HPC) solutions for the...
In a significant development, EV Connect has expanded its collaboration with General Motors, announcing the integration of Plug and Charge functionality into GM vehicle...
Modern Vehicles Benefit from Advanced Control Systems for Traditional Technologies
In a rapidly evolving automotive landscape, marked by innovations in electric and hybrid vehicles, Texas...
News highlights:
The industry’s first single-chip radar sensor designed for satellite architectures can increase vehicle sensing ranges beyond 200 meters and enable more accurate...
In a groundbreaking demonstration at the CES show in Las Vegas, Bosch and Volkswagen subsidiary Cariad unveiled an innovative automated electric vehicle (EV) charging...
In response to regulatory initiatives, the urgent call for environmental sustainability, and the widespread electrification wave in the consumer car market, Panasonic Energy and...
Detroit Engineered Products (DEP) is a global Engineering Solutions and Product Development company with a rich 25-year legacy. Since its inception in 1998 in...
Authors: Akshat JAIN, STMicroelectronics India, Fabrizio Di FRANCO, STMicroelectronics, Italy, Martin DENDA, Rene WUTTE, STMicroelectronics Austria, Bruno TISSERAND, STMicroelectronics, France
Wireless power is going to...
Author: STMicroelectronics
MWC Shanghai 2024 should be memorable, thanks to more than 30 innovative product showcases and demonstrations, nine applications on display, and more than...
Author: STMicroelectronics
The power liftgate built on the AEKD-TRUNKL1 is always a highly popular and easily recognizable demo, as its loud beeps alert attendees that the trunk...
STMicroelectronics is a global leader in the semiconductor space developing customer-centric and sustainable products. Their STM32 Portfolio is a hugely popular highly reliable and...
The world faces serious environmental concerns that require immediate attention and progressive solutions. The human civilization is at a crossroads where every decision will...
STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications is among the early changemakers in the ongoing sustainability issue. The...
Author: Giusy Gambino, Marcello Vecchio, and Filippo Scrimizzi from STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy
When developing distributed intelligence for smart power switches in automotive power management systems, it...